Atichia glomerulosa (Ach.) Stein (anam.) sin. Collema glomerulosum Ach. Citrus limonia Osbeck (Rutaceae) [ LIMÃO-CRAVO ]SILVA, M.; MINTER, D. W. Fungi from Brasil, recorded by Batista and co-workers. Wallingford, UK: International Mycological Institute, 1995. 585p. (Mycological papers, n. 169). BA, PE, RS Guarea trichilioides L. (Meliaceae) [ GITÓ ]SILVA, M.; MINTER, D. W. Fungi from Brasil, recorded by Batista and co-workers. Wallingford, UK: International Mycological Institute, 1995. 585p. (Mycological papers, n. 169). BA, PE, RS |