Aorolaimus holdemani Sher, 1964 sin. Peltamigratus holdemani Sher, 1964 Abies cephalonica Link (Pinaceae) [ ABETO-GREGO ]Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, GO, MA, RN Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae) Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Anacardium [ CAJÚ ]Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, MA, GO, RN Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Moraceae) [ JACA ]Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Artocarpus incisus Linn. f. (Moraceae) [ FRUTA-PÃO ]Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Aster amellus Aitch. (Asteraceae) Sharma, R.D.(1977b) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VII Nematodes associated with some ornamental plants. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ.2 : 135-137. BA Byrsonima crassifolia Kunth Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, GO, MA, RN Carica papaya Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. Sharma, R.D.(1976) Nematodes of the cocoa region of the State of Espir. Santo, Brazil: II. Nematodes associated with field crops and forest trees. R. Theobroma, Ilhéus, 6 (4) : 109-117. CE, ES, GO, RN, MA Citrus aurantifolia Swingle (Rutaceae) Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil. Brasilia, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p. BA Citrus sp. L. (Rutaceae) Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, MA, RN, GO Citrus sp. Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Citrus sp. Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil: Brasília, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p. Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) [ CÔCO ]Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1982) Nematóides associados a coqueiros em declínio no Estado de Sergipe, Brasil. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ.6: 79-84 SE Dalbergia nigra Allemão ex Benth (Fabaceae) [ JACARANDÁ-DA-BAHIA ]Sharma, R.D.(1976) Nematodes of the cocoa region of the State of Espir. Santo, Brazil: II. Nematodes associated with field crops and forest trees. R. Theobroma, Ilhéus, 6 (4) : 109-117. ES Eugenia malaccensis L. (Myrtaceae) Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, RN, MA, GO Eugenia Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, RN, MA, GO Glycine Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. RS Hibiscus subdariffa L. (Malvaceae) Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, GO, RN, MA Hordeum vulgare L. (Poaceae) [ CEVADA ]Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. RS Lactuca sativa L. (Asteraceae) Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1977) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil. VII. Nematodes associated with vegetables. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2 : 125-133. BA Lycopersicon esculentum Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1977) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil. VII. Nematodes associated with vegetables. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2 : 125-133. BA, CE, MA, RN, GO Manihot dulcis Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) [ MACAXEIRA ]Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1977) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil. VII. Nematodes associated with vegetables. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2 : 125-133. BA Musa sp. Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A. (1984) Nematodes associated with banana in Bahia, Brazil. Nematol. Brasileira, Piracicaba, 8:7. Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. BA, CE, RN, MA, GO Oryza sativa L. (Poaceae) Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, MA, GO, RN Passiflora edulis Sims (Passifloraceae) Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1972) Nematodes associated with different plants at the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Bahia. R.Theobroma, Itabuna, 2 (4) : 38-43. Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1977a) Nematóides da região cacaueira da Bahia, Brasil. Nematóide associados ao coqueiro (Cocos nucifera L.) Fitopat. Brasileira, Brasília, 2 (1) : 102-103. BA Persea gratissima Gaertn. (Lauraceae) [ ABACATEIRO ]Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Pityrocarpa Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, MA, GO, RN Prunus domestica L. (Rosaceae) Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Psidium guajava Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125. BA Saccharum officinarum L. (Poaceae) [ CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR ]Bittencourt,C. & Huang,C.S. (1986) Brazilian Peltamigratus Sher, 1964 (Nematoda; Hoplolaimidae) with description of six new species. Revue de Nematologie, Paris, 9 (1) : 3-24. CE, GO, MA, RN Sorghum vulgare Pers. (Poaceae) [ SORGO ]Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. RS Theobroma Sharma, R.D. (1982) Nematodes associated with cocoa hybrids/clones in Bahia, Brazil. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 6 : 85-94. BA Triticum vulgare Vill. (Poaceae) [ TRIGO ]Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. RS Zea mays Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A.(1977b) Nematodes associated with different plants at Passo Fundo, Brazil. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, 4, Goiânia, GO. Resumos. Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, p. 68-69. RS |