Databases - Nematodes - Survey
Selected Nematode
Dolichodorus minor Loof & Sharma, 1975
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125.
Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Moraceae) [ JACA ]
Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil: Brasília, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p.
Citrus sp.
Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil: Brasília, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p.
Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) [ CÔCO ]
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Sharma, R.D. & Loof, P.A.A. (1977a) Nematóides da região cacaueira da Bahia, Brasil. Nematóide associados ao coqueiro (Cocos nucifera L.) Fitopat. Brasileira, Brasília, 2 (1) : 102-103.
Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. (Myrtaceae) [ CRAVO-DA-INDIA ]
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Gladiolus communis L. (Iridaceae)
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Hamelia erecta Jacq. (Rubiaceae) [ ERVA-DE-RATO ]
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) [ SERINGUEIRA ]
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Musa sp.
Sharma,R.D. & Loof,P.A.A. (1984) Nematodes associated with banana in Bahia, Brazil. Nematol. Brasileira, Piracicaba, 8:7.
Passiflora edulis Sims (Passifloraceae)
Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil: Brasília, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p.
Persea gratissima Gaertn. (Lauraceae) [ ABACATEIRO ]
Sharma,R.D.(1977) Plant parasitic nematodes in the Savanah region of Brazil: Brasília, EMBRAPA/IICA, 24p.
Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae)
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Portulaca grandiflora Hook. (Portulacaceae) [ ONZE-HORAS ]
Sharma, R.D.(1977b) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VII Nematodes associated with some ornamental plants. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ.2 : 135-137.
Psidium guajava
Loof, P.A.A. & Sharma, R.D. (1975) Dolichodorus minor n. sp. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae) with a key to the genus Dolichorus. R. Teobhoma, Itabuna, 5 (4) : 35-41.
Sharma, R.D. (1977a) Nematodes of the cocoa region of Bahia, Brazil: VI. Nematodes associated with tropical fruit trees. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 2: 109-125.
Sharma, R.D. (1982) Nematodes associated with cocoa hybrids/clones in Bahia, Brazil. Soc. Bras. Nematologia, Piracicaba, Publ. 6 : 85-94.
Rashid, F.; Geraert, E. & Sharma, R.D. (1987) Criconematidae (Nematoda) from Brazil. Nematologica, Leiden, 32 (4) : 374-397