
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa
Bem-vindo(a) à Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia.

Herbrio CEN Base de dados Famlias




LinhaNo TomboColetorData ColetaMunicpio-UFLocal da Coleta
177.131Glocimar Pereira-Silva 812104/12/2003ALVORADA DO NORTE - GOPonto 3 prximo gruta.
286.990Marcelo Fragomeni Simon 197622/08/2013SAO ROQUE DE MINAS - MGEstrada vicinal a 7 km W da entrada para a Cachoeira Casca D`Anta.
3118.080Mauricio Piazza 1216/03/2020ANGATUBA - SPConglomerado: SP_556. Subunidade 2, subparcela 10, indivduo 1.
479.583Roger D. Reeves 285820/01/2005BARRO ALTO - GOCollected from the vicinity of the mine works about 22 km SSW of B.A. on the dirt road (or 30 km via the sealed higway).Colected from scrubland from the location bellow, in a generally W direction down into a small gully and up the other side.820-850 m.
579.692Roger D. Reeves 296702/02/2005NIQUELANDIA - GOp.m. Macedo: area south of main mining pits, about 4.8 km along road running S from crossroads (so-called "Ponte Alta" area of 1990). Collection made both on the flat at the foot of a rise, mostly on W side of road. 1423.940 S e 4825.279 W.






Embrapa Recursos Genticos e Biotecnologia

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuria - Embrapa