Banco de Dados - Ficha de Coleta

Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN
Herbário CEN Brasília-DF Brasil

Butia capitata (Mart.) Becc.
Determinador: Amauri César Marcato 12/2005 Nome Comum: Cód.Acesso:
Coletor: Larry Ronald Noblick & Hazel Cropper 5098 No Tombo: 26626
Data: 04/02/1996 Mat.Coletado: Exsicatas Uso:
Município/UF: MAMBAI - GO
Local: 8 km S of Mambai near Rio das Pedras. Shallow sandy clayey soils among large outcrops of limestone bedrock exposed in an eroded stream valley.
Altitude: 840 m Latitude: 14o 33' 02'' S Longitude: 046o 05' 24'' O Frequência:
Flor: Fruto:
Observação: Palm solitary with 1,9 m x 20 cm trunk. LEAVES 27 in crown spirally arranged and spreading. Leaf sheath plus petiole is 31-56 + cm long with a leaf petiole 1,5-2,8 cm wide x 1-1,2 cm thick and a toothed leaf sheath, adaxially slightly convex and abaxially rounded. Leaf rachis 137-144 cm long. 59-64 pairs of leaflets which are distributed regularly along the rachis in one plane. Basal leaflets 45-54 cm long x 0,3-0,5 cm wide, middle leaflets 49-59 cm long x 1,5-1,9 cm wide, and apical leaflets 0,3-0,5 cm wide. Longest leaflets (ca. 20 cm from the base) are 65-70 cm long x 2,2-2,6 cm wide. Androgynous INFLORESECNCE with 43-58 + cm long, 1,1-1,8 cm wide. Mais info ver exsicata. Doação Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami. Accession Number 96122.
Participantes: Larry Ronald Noblick, Hazel Cropper