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Databases - Geographic distribution of Nematodes in Brazil


  • The database of The Brazilian Nematological Geographic Distribution put together informations contained in published papers about nematode associated with plants that occur in Brazil.
  • The survey of these data was made in several techinical books, national and international specific journals that were published until 2003.


  • The database of the Brazilian Nematological Geographic Distribution listed approximately 100 nematode species, associated with approximately 600 plant species.
  • The objective of this work is to design the nematode distribution in Brazil, that is crucial and fundamental for the definition about the located occurrence.
  • This database facilitates and helps the nematode identification, which plant they are associates and also the definition about required control measures.
  • This database gives the support to Plant Quarantine laboratories, customs offices and quarantine institutions in Brazil or worldwide, mainly the professional nematologists.

Database Queries

Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Brazil
Host Plants Nematodes related in Brazil
Searched Bibliography
Refined Queries
Nematode Occurrence Mapping

Direitos Autorais Reservados - Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia